Landemer battery – Castel Vendon
German batteries of the Atlantic Wall in Normandy
Unit: 6th battery of the Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 260
Codename: Landemer MKB
Artillery guns: 4x 15 cm SK C/28
The Landemer battery is located near Gréville-Hague. It is part of the protection of the deep-water port of Cherbourg, a defensive line made up of different strongpoints known as “Festung Cherbourg“. The Landemer battery is also called the Castel Vendon battery.
It is installed on the site of an old position (battery Tourville) created by the French military forces. The Germans built four Regelbau M272 casemates, each housing a 15 cm S KC / 28 gun. The battery is led by Oberleutnant zur See Gerhard Kubis.
Below the cliff is the observation post controlling the firing of the battery.
It also consists of several other facilities, including personal shelters, ammunition bunkers and two underground spaces.
The entire site is surrounded by a large network of barbed wire. Machine guns positions defend the accesses.