504 PIR Normandy Pathfinders

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Re: 504 PIR Normandy Pathfinders

Message non lu par Prosper »

En ce cas et comme Young n'est pas à un mensonge près..................
L'Union fait la Force-Eendracht maakt Macht


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Enregistré le : 11 févr., 19:46

Re: 504 PIR Normandy Pathfinders

Message non lu par Pathfinder504 »

Toujours en recherche , voila du nouveau sur YOUNG...

RESEARCH?!?!?!? Come on 325....you opened an email from me!!! You did NO research....I told you to copy the email detailing the places containing original 504 material that I consulted BEFORE I wrote to you....Since you did not do that and instead took credit for "research" I will post that email here....

Message du 16/09/16 16:32
De : pf.....com
A : her.........e.fr
Objet : 504 Pathfinders


I am replying to you from your email of 1SEP16 which I found on my old email address which I do not use any more.

The list which you refer to was compiled by me over 20 years ago. And your are correct---there is one name missing--it is William F. Lee. (D Co 504)

After that correction everything else you wrote is wrong.

James Young was NOT a pathfinder from 504 (with 507) on D-Day in Normandy. Honestly I do not know what his history is...but I can assure you that he did not jump with the Pathfinders on D-Day.

1: He is not listed in the 14AUG44 Roster of 504th PIR By State (original document)
2: He is not listed in the roster of officers of the 504 PIR listing 418 names. (including battlefield commissions)(original document)
3: He is not listed in the comprehensive list of 1000s of names--all elements--of 82nd Abn during WW2 compiled by Phil Nordyke.
4: He is not listed in the Official US Army list of recipients of the DSC from WW2.
5: I could not find his name associated with Special Forces.
6: He is not listed in the rosters in the Christmas Menu of the 504 PIR from 1942.
7: He is not listed on any of the jump manifests of the 82nd Pathfinders--I have actual copies of the original D-Day pathfinder team manifests....he is not on any and particularly not on Plane 15.
8: The man you identify in the Plane 15 photo is actually Thomas E. Munden from HQ/1/507--I actually corresponded with Mr. Munden decades ago and he picked himself out of the photo.
9: He is not listed on GO 39 21JUL44 awarding the Bronze Star Medal to all members of the 82nd Pathfinders including those from the 504.
10: Contrary to the suggestion of another person on the Forum he is not listed as a member of the 442nd RCT.
11: I have just about 40 years of specific research on the 82nd pathfinders and particularly the members of the 504 who jumped as pathfinders in Normandy. Before you make absolute statements--especially on the French D-Day Forum--you should do some original research rather than copy material from a reenactment group website....by the way I ran that unit (A/504) in the WW2HRS back in the 1980s...
12: I have wasted several hours in an attempt to qualify the history of Mr. Young for you... without success....I do believe that is more than you have done.

Please feel free to copy and paste this email into the Forum...I do not speak or write French. I was a member of the Forum some years ago but my log-in does not work now. I was Pathfinder504. Perhaps if the moderator renews my log-in I will do it myself.


David R. Berry
Pathfinder Historian
PS: And of course the additional material on Young was found on the internet and sent to you by me......
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325th GIR
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Re: 504 PIR Normandy Pathfinders

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Pathfinder504, je vois que tu a put mettre en ligne sur le forum ce que tu m'avais expédier...MERCI
Sous chaque croix blanche du cimetière Américain de Colleville-sur-Mer ( Normandie) , dort un morceau de Liberté.
Messages : 1
Enregistré le : 16 juil., 17:49

Re: 504 PIR Normandy Pathfinders

Message non lu par choroarnago »

Le 504 est arrivé beaucoup plus tard en afrique, sauf s'il fesait partis du 2/509th dans ce cas il aurait pu etre reversé plus tard au 504.
"La liberté est pour la Science ce que l'air est pour l'animal." fradownme.com
Liberty is to science what air is to animals.
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Enregistré le : 17 juil., 05:46
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Re: 504 PIR Normandy Pathfinders

Message non lu par Mustang_51D »

Merci pour cette histoire, c'est vraiment fascinant! Je ne comprends pas trop ce qui pousse les gens à s'inventer des carrières militaires glorieuses (l'envie d'être vu comme un héros?), mais j'ai l'impression que c'est super courant outre-Atlantique... Même aujourd'hui, il y a beaucoup d'histoires de "stolen valor" qui énervent les communautés militaires US, et j'ai l'impression que même si ça existe ailleurs, c'est moins courant... Ou est-ce juste moins médiatisé!

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