90th (US) Infantry Division

90th (US) Infantry Division

Battle order – June-August 1944 – Battle of Normandy



Commander: Brigadier General Jay W. McKelvie, replaced on June 13th, 1944 by Major General Eugene M. Landrum then by Brigadier General Raymond S. McLain on July 30th, 1944
Deputy commander: Brigadier General Samuel P. Williams, replaced on July 31, 1944 by Brigadier General William G. Weaver

Chief of Staff: colonel Robert L. Bacon, replaced on July 15,1944 by colonel John C. Whitcomb


Combat unit

357th Infantry Regiment: colonel Philip H. Ginder, replaced on June 13th, 1944 by by colonel John W. Sheehy, replaced on June 15th, 1944 by lieutenant colonel Charles M. Schwab, replaced on June 17th, 1944 by colonel George H. Barth
– 1st Battalion
– 2nd Battalion
– 3rd Battalion: lieutenant-colonel Kilday

358th Infantry Regiment: colonel James V. Thompson, wounded on June 12th, 1944, replaced on June 16th, 1944 by colonel Richard C. Partridge, replaced on July 6th, 1944 by colonel Christian H. Clark Jr.
– 1st Battalion: lieutenant colonel William L. Nave “Spike” (wounded on June 12th, 1944, killed on June 16th, 1944)
– 2nd Battalion: lieutenant colonel Christian H. Clarke, Jr
– 3rd Battalion: lieutenant colonel Jacob W. Bealke

359th Infantry Regiment: colonel Clarke K. Fales, replaced on July 6th, 1944 by colonel Robert L. Bacon
– 1st Battalion: Major Leroy H. Ponds
A company
B company: captain Hutchens
C company
– 2nd Battalion
– 3rd Battalion

90th Division Artillery
– 343rd Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer)
– 344th Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer)
– 915th Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer): lieutenant colonel Robert T. Hughes
– 345th Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer)

90th Reconnaissance Troop

315th Engineer Combat Battalion

Combat support and combat service units

315th Medical Battalion

790th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company

90th Quartermaster Company

90th Signal Company

90th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment

Military Police Platoon

Headquarters Company



Anti-aircraft artillery
– 537th AAA AW Battalion (Mbl), from June 16th to July 7th, 1944
– 1 battery from 537th AAA AW Battalion (Mbl), July 7th to 15th, 1944
– 537th AAA AW Battalion (Mbl), from July 15th, 1944 to May 26th, 1945

Field artillery
– 980th FA Bn (155 mm Gun), from June 13th to 15th, 1944
4th Div Arty, from June 28th, 1944 to July 6th, 1944
– 693rd FA Bn (105 How), from July 31st, 1944 to August 17th, 1944
– 400th Armd FA Bn, from August 3rd to 5th, 1944
– 202nd FA Bn (155 How), from August 3rd to 5th, 1944
– 40th FA Gp, from August 4th to 17th, 1944
– 173rd FA Gp, from August 4th to 17th, 1944
– B Battery, 3rd FA Obsn Bn, from August 4th to 17th, 1944
– 999th FA Bn (8 “How), from August 9th to 17th
– 284th FA Bn (105 How), from August 27-30, 1944

– 746th Tank Battalion, from June 12th to 15th, 1944
– 712th Tank Battalion, from June 28th to July 7th, 1944
– A Co, 712th Tank Battalion, from July 7th to 15th, 1944
– 712th Tank Battalion, from July 7th to September 1944
– 1er Régiment de Chars de Combat, 2nd (FR) Armoured Division, from August 18th to 22nd, 1944
– Tr B 4th Cav Rcn Sq, from June 20th to 29th, 1944

– 148th Engineer C Battalion, from June 21st to 22nd, 1944

– 121st CT (8th Div), from August 6 to 15, 1944
– 121st Inf (8th Div), from August 6 to 15, 1944
– 56th FA Bn (8th Div) (105 How), from August 6th to 15th, 1944
– Co B 168th Engr C Bn, from August 6th to 15th, 1944
– 1 platoon from 513th Engr Light Pon Co, from August 6th to 15th, 1944
– Co C 709th Tk Bn, from August 12th to 16th, 1944

Tank Destroyer units
– B Co,  899th Tank Destroyer Bataillon (SP), from June 17th to 19th, 1944
– 607th Tank Destroyer Bataillon (T) (-Co A), from June 20th to November 2nd, 1944
– 803rd Tank Destroyer Bataillon (SP), from July 4th to 15th, 1944
– A Co, 607th Tank Destroyer Bataillon (T), from July 7th to November 2nd, 1944

Chemical Mortar bataillons
– A Co, 86th Chemical Mortar bataillon, from June 28th to July 29th, 1944
-C  Co, 86th Chemical Mortar bataillon, from July 1st, 1944
– D Co, 86th Chemical Mortar bataillon, from July 4th to 6th, 1944
– C & D Co, 81st Chemical Mortar bataillon, from August 20th to 22nd, 1944

Command posts

April 5, 1944: Liverpool, England
April 30, 1944: King Edward’s School, England
May 15, 1944: Birmingham, England
May 31, 1944: Cardiff, England
June 8, 1944: Loutres
June 10, 1944: Sainte-Mère-Eglise
June 12, 1944: Guetteville (?)
June 17, 1944: Amfreville
June 20, 1944: Gourbesville
June 23, 1944: Beuzeville-la-Bastille
July 2, 1944: Château de Francquetot
July 6, 1944: Sainte-Suzanne
July 7, 1944: Saint-Jores
July 10, 1944: Vin-de-Fontaine
July 11, 1944: Saint-Jores
July 14, 1944: Le Plessis
July 16, 1944: La Valaissère (?)
July 25, 1944: Nerduit
July 28, 1944: L’Isle de Sèves
July 28, 1944: Château du Perron
August 2, 1944: Château du Bois de Tirole
August 5, 1944: Landivy
August 7, 1944: Château du Bois Reason
August 8, 1944: Chassillé
August 8, 1944: Lachapelle
August 9, 1944: Le Mans
August 12, 1944: Ballon
August 12, 1944: Alençon
August 13, 1944: Ballon
August 15, 1944: Sées
August 16, 1944: Chailloué
August 18, 1944: Nonant-le-Pin
August 19, 1944: Chailloué
August 26, 1944: Forêt de Fontainebleau
August 27, 1944: La Croix-en-Brie
August 28, 1944: Vieux Maisons
August 29, 1944: Savigny-sur-Ardres
August 30, 1944: Condé-en-Brie

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