Medal of Honor: allied assault

D-Day and Battle of Normandy video games

Title: Medal of Honor: allied assault

Release date: February 14th,  2002

Developped by: Electronic Arts – 2015

Medal of Honor: allied assault 1

“Medal of Honor: allied assault” responds to an increasingly pressing demand from players to embark on the conquest of the famous Atlantic Wall. After the extraordinary success of Steven Spielberg’s film Saving Private Ryan, thousands of young people but also the younger ones took an interest in the period of the Second World War. Taking advantage of state-of-the-art computing technology, the developers of Electronic Arts and 2015 launched on February 14, 2002 in the market this game that will truly transform the desires of regular combat simulators.

Indeed, the originality of this game lies in its will to produce a historical epic realistic in all points of view. The player is in the shoes of US lieutenant Mike Powell, who has to carry out various sabotage or intelligence missions behind the enemy lines. From North Africa in 1942 to Norway in 1943, the game mainly allowed to land at Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944. A difficult mission that is full of details (like this passage where the hero crosses doctors treating the wounded On the beach), which shows some of the difficulties encountered by the American soldiers in Omaha on D-Day. The following missions allow you to discover the Norman hedgerow, its hedges, its traps.

Overall, the game relies more on the realism of the fights than on the historical realism: with a very lively atmosphere, reinforced by a very successful music worthy of the music of film of the Second World War, the player is confronted with full force with the battles of WW2, facing a highly developed artificial intelligence. Indeed, the German soldiers of the game “Medal of Honor: allied assault” take cover, try to get around you, and only let themselves be killed after selling their skin dearly…


Medal of Honor: allied assault photos

Image : Medal of Honor : débarquement alliéImage : Medal of Honor : débarquement alliéImage : Medal of Honor : débarquement alliéImage : Medal of Honor : débarquement allié
Image : Medal of Honor : débarquement alliéImage : Medal of Honor : débarquement alliéImage : Medal of Honor : débarquement alliéImage : Medal of Honor : débarquement allié

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