Request: Don P Davis (Donald P Davis), F Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne

Cette rubrique permet à tous les visiteurs du site DDay-Overlord intéressés par les parachutages et les largages de planeurs, ainsi que les batailles aériennes qui ont eu lieu au-dessus de la Normandie pendant toute la Bataille de Normandie.
Messages : 2
Enregistré le : 14 avr., 18:57
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Request: Don P Davis (Donald P Davis), F Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne

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Hello all,

Firstly, please excuse my post in English. I am very sorry to intrude on a French language forum while ignorant of the French language. However, I have noticed that there is a large amount of good information on your forum, and I have exhausted my other sources of information as best I can.

Don P Davis was my first cousin. He was with Fox Company of the 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne. He jumped into Normandy on D-Day aboard Stick #74, survived the jump (landing in St Mere Eglise), and fought across Normandy over the next week. He was killed outside of Carentan on June 13, 1944 at the Battle of Bloody Gulch.

I am searching for any and all information I could possibly find about him. I only have two photographs of him, which I have attached here. I have recently been to his gravesite in Kentucky and cleaned it up. Though they may exist, I do not know of any other living relatives. It is very important to me that he not be forgotten.

If you are able to assist or offer any references for sources of information, please do let me know. I am looking for photographs and any other information possible.

Thank you.
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Messages : 2
Enregistré le : 14 avr., 18:57
Vérification anti-robot : JE NE SUIS PAS UN ROBOT

Re: Request: Don P Davis (Donald P Davis), F Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne

Message non lu par nw329 »

Also: in the photo above, from left to right, it is Buchter, Vogel, and Davis.

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