La solde des soldats

Toutes vos questions sur les équipements utilisés par les soldats des deux camps pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale

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Messages : 3
Inscription : 10 mars, 00:00

La solde des soldats

Message non lu par --WINTERS-- »

Bonjour je suis nouveau dans ce forum:
je voudrais savoir quelle armée rémunérait le mieux les soldats et celle qui rémunérait le moins ses soldats,vous pourriez me dire le montant des soldes.
merci Image


"l'arme la plus fantastique de la guerre"

La solde des soldats

Message non lu par Invité »

Très bonne question !
Je sais que la prime en cas de décès chez US Army était de 10 000$. Après la solde, tout dépend du grade, et du corps d'armée. Et aussi de la nationalité.
Messages : 3
Inscription : 10 mars, 00:00

La solde des soldats

Message non lu par --WINTERS-- »

Merci,pour un soldat para 2éme classe c'était quelle armée qui le rémunérait le mieux.


"L'arme la plus fantastique de la guerre"

La solde des soldats

Message non lu par Invité »

J'en sais rien mais pour l'US Army :

Some Soldiers Earn Extra Pay. For every 3 years you spend in the service, your base pay is increased 5 percent. This is known as "longevity pay."

If you are awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross, or the Soldier's Medal, you receive an additional $2 per month from the date of your act of heroism or extraordinary achievement. Each additional citation awarded in lieu of another medal brings an additional $2 per month.

If you are in the Air Corp and taking regular and frequent flights, you will receive additional pay amounting to 50 percent of your total base pay, longevity and foreign service pay, and any awards carrying compensation.

If you are a jumper in a parachute unit, either as a rated parachutist or as a student undergoing jump training and are not on flight-pay status, you will receive additional pay of $50 per month.

For foreign service, including Alaska, your base pay is increased 20 percent.

Some Draw Allowances. Soldiers on special assignments which make it impossible for them to eat at Army messes are given ration allowances. Men of the first three grades who choose to eat away from the post are given a monetary ration allowance; they may eat on the post, however, by paying for each meal.

Travel Pay is Allowed. If you are transferred on special orders and not as a member of a group in the charge of an officer, you will be given a travel order which you can exchange for a ticket. You will also be given meal tickets or an allowance in cash for meals.

"Stoppages" are Deductions. A "Stoppage" in your Army pay is a legal deduction. Stoppages are entered on the pay roll, and you can verify the amounts of your stoppages when you sign the pay roll.

The most common stoppages are deductions for laundry service and for the value of arms, equipment, or other Government property lost or destroyed through abuse or negligence, or for the cost of repairs of damages to such property. Forfeitures of pay through action by court martial are another example of pay stoppages.

If you fail to sign the pay roll or sign it incorrectly, you will be "red lined," which means that your name is crossed off the pay roll. You will not be paid at the regular time with the other men, but will have to wait until a later date.

Allotments of Pay (Class E). A Class E allotment is a definite portion of your pay which you authorize to be paid to another person or to an institution, in a prescribed manner. (Do not confuse allotments with allowances. Allotments are purely voluntary on your part, and may be discontinued at any time you desire.)
Family Allowances and Deductions (see below for WAC Allowances)

Table A. Schedule of Initial Family Allowances

Table B. Schedule of Monthly Family Allowances and Deductions
From Wac Life - War Dept Pamphlet 35-3 - May 1945

Allowances Provide for Dependents

An allowance is money paid by the Government, plus an amount deducted from your own pay, provided for the support of your dependents.

Under the Servicemen's Allowance Act of 1942, as amended 25 October 1943, you may be entitled to a monthly allowance for persons who are dependent upon you for their main support. These may include a disabled husband, or children over 14 years of age who are dependent upon you, or parents to whom you have been the chief source of support. You will have to submit satisfactory evidence that they are chiefly dependent upon you.

Source :
C'est un pavé certs, mais vous avez tout.
Messages : 3
Inscription : 10 mars, 00:00

La solde des soldats

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"l'arme la plus fanatstique de la guerre
Messages : 443
Inscription : 29 nov., 00:00

La solde des soldats

Message non lu par stan_hudson »

J'ai un exemple en tête avec la FSSF, unité des Spécial Forces composées de Canadiens et d'Américains.
Les canadiens étaient moins bien payés que leurs homologues US malgré le même travail...
Messages : 116
Inscription : 21 mai, 23:00

La solde des soldats

Message non lu par Dédé49 »

Ils sont payés 54$ par mois les premières classes?

La solde des soldats

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J'espere parce que par an!!!!

Sa sert a rien de sbatrre!!!Image

Messages : 116
Inscription : 21 mai, 23:00

La solde des soldats

Message non lu par Dédé49 »

Par rapport a la prime des soldats par mois de nos jours ,c'est vraiment petit!

La solde des soldats

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C quoi maintenant alors?


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