ALG A-11 – Saint-Lambert

Battle of Normandy

This page presents the history of ALG (Advanced Landing Groud) A-11, used by the 9th United States Air Force during the Battle of Normandy.

Image : 9th Air Force

9th United States Air Force

Location: Saint-Lambert, Calvados (14)

Code: A-11

Coordinates: 49°17’05”N – 01°05’53”W

Construction: from July 27 to August 6, 1944 by the 832nd Engineer Aviation Battalion (EAB)

Operational period: from August 6 to September 5, 1944

Length: 1 524 m (5 000 feet)

Width: 36,57 m (120 feet)

Azimuth: 59°

Airstrip: Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing (PBS)


– 474th Fighter Group (428th Fighter Squadron, 429th Fighter Squadron, 430th squadron) using P-38 Lightning.

ALG A-11 history:

The airstrip of ALG A-11, located between Isigny-sur-Mer and Neuilly-la-Forêt, benefits from a PBS (Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing) coating, also known as “Hessian Mat”. It is a solid coating composed of layers of bitumen and Hessian fabric, the installation of which is particularly thorough and requires the use of special machines.


– Commemorative stele along the departmental road 197, one kilometer north of Neuilly-la-Forêt. – Reproduction subject to authorization of the author – Contact