ALG A-3 – Cardonville

Battle of Normandy

This page presents the history of ALG (Advanced Landing Groud) A-3, used by the 9th United States Air Force during the Battle of Normandy.

Image : 9th Air Force

9th United States Air Force

Localisation: Cardonville, Calvados (14)

Code: A-3

Coordinates: 49°21’04”N – 01°03’19”W

Construction: from June 10 to 14, 1944 by the 816th Engineer Aviation Battalion (EAB)

Operational Period: from June 14 to September 1, 1944

Length: 1 524 m (5 000 feet)

Width: 36,57 m (120 feet)

Azimuth: 158°

Airstrip: Square-Mesh Track (SMT) & Pierced Plate (PSP)


– 368th Fighter Group (395th Fighter Squadron, 396th Fighter Squadron, 397th Fighter Squadron) using P-47 Thunderbolt.

– 370th Fighter Group (402nd squadron) using P-38 Lightning.

ALG A-3 history:

The ALG A-3 runway was only completed in the evening of June 20, 1944, when the entire SMT liner was installed. But from June 14, 368th Fighter Group P-47 fighters landed there and began their missions.

Vestiges :

– Commemorative stele east of Le Lieu Belliard, at the junction with the D 199 road. – Reproduction subject to authorization of the author – Contact