ALG B-5 – Le Fresne-Camilly

Battle of Normandy

This page presents the history of ALG (Advanced Landing Groud) B-5, used by the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Normandy.

Image : second tactical air force

2nd Tactical Air Force

Location: Le Fresne-Camilly, Calvados (14)

Code: B-5

Coordinates: 49°15’58”N – 000°29’07”W

Construction: from June 10 to June 13, 1944 by the Royal Engineers 23rd Airfield Construction Group

Operational period: from June 13 to September 4, 1944

Length: 1 700 m

Width: 40 m

Azimuth: 172°

Airstrip: Square-Mesh Track (SMT)


Image : drapeau anglais - Union Jack

– 121 Wing (174 squadron, 175 squadron, 245 squadron) using Typhoon aircraft

– 123 Wing (609 squadron) using Typhoon aircraft

– 129 Wing (184 squadron, 198 squadron) using Typhoon aircraft

ALG B-5 history:

ALG B-5 is under fire from the German artillery since the first day of its construction until 19 July 1944, when the commune of Colombelles falls into the hands of the Allies. German artillery observers were stationed throughout this period in the ruins of the steelworks, offering a general view of the Caen region.

This aerodrome becomes the permanent base of the 121 Wing.


Commemorative steles north of Le Fresne-Camilly.


Image : Toutes les photos de la bataille de Normandie classées en fonction de leur localisation

July 3, 1944: aerial view of the ALG B-5 at Le Fresne-Camilly. Photo: IWM. – Reproduction subject to authorization of the author – Contact