Lynn “Buck” ComptonLynn "Buck" Compton - Band of Brothers 1

Veterans of Easy Company,  506th PIR, 101st Airborne

Image : Band of Brothers - Frères d'Armes - Lynn "Buck" Compton

Born in Los Angeles, “Buck” Compton is a baseball and American football player at the ULCA before joining a US Army officer school.

He trained at Camp Toccoa and joined the Easy Company in 1943 as 2nd Lieutenant in Aldbourne, England, where the Easy performs his final training before Operation Overlord.

Lynn Compton wrote her memoirs under the title Call of Duty, my life before, during and after the band of brothers.

He died on 25 February 2012 at the age of 90 years.

Neal McDonough dans Band of Brothers

Actor Neal McDonough in Band of Brothers

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