D-Day Overlord website press review

D-Day Overlord website data

Article from Patrimoine Normand quoting D-Day Overlord 1

Magazine Patrimoine Normand

April-May-June 2014

The magazine Patrimoine Normand devotes an article to the presentation of the site D-Day Overlord in its issue N°89.

D-Day and the battle of Normandy on the web: the French reference website.

For more than ten years, the dday-overlord.com website has been online. Its author, Marc Laurenceau, is passionate about the D-Day and the battle of Normandy. From his earliest years, he has multiplied his travels to the coasts of the Channel and the hinterland, pacing one by one the historical sites, museums and memorials, bringing together an impressive documentation: period photos, photos Modern, testimonies of veterans. In contact with the latter, he declares himself to have learned an essential value: the need to transmit memory, to “transmit the flame of memory.”

Served by a rich and quality iconography, the texts are precise, pleasant to read and bring an impressive amount of information. The architecture of the site is also well designed, which makes it easy to navigate between the different pages. English and Spanish language versions are also available to allow as many people as possible to enjoy the content. There are also sheets on the equipment of the different armies, reading boards, tracks to organize his stay on the spot. In this special spring, where we are preparing to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Normandy Landings and the Battle of Normandy, www.dday-overlord.com is certainly the easiest and fastest way to find out everything about the events of 1944. To learn, to understand, never to forget…

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