Commemorations at sites other than the beaches

Ecrivez dans cette rubrique vos sentiments à propos des commémorations de la Bataille de Normandie, qui ont lieu chaque année au courant de l'été.

Leonard H Cizewski
Messages : 1
Inscription : 16 nov., 01:00
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Commemorations at sites other than the beaches

Message non lu par Leonard H Cizewski »

I would prefer to attend a 75th anniversary services at sites other than the beaches, for example a ceremony for the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Cherbourg.

Are any planned? All I can find are events at the beaches for the first week of June.

That is because my late father Felix A. Cizewski was deployed to France in Company C, 3110th Signal Service Battalion, Army Service Forces on July 25, 1944 at Utah Beach.

Company C was the battalion's Open Wire Repair Section with pole and wire responsibilities including construction and maintenance.

They initially served in Tamerville and Valognes. Afterward my father and other members of his unit were detached to Cherbourg.

In 2014 for the 70th anniversary, my wife and I attended a service in Tamerville where my father's unit and other units were honored.

Below is an image of the plaque at the entrance to the Tamerville church graveyard that was dedicated in 2014.


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