4th (US) Infantry Division

Image : 4th Infantry Division

Battle order – June 1st, 1944 – Battle of Normandy


Commander: Major General Raymond O. Barton
Deputy commander: Brigadier General Henry A. Barber
Deputy commander: Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr

Chief of Staff: Col. James S. Rodwell

G 1. Lt Col. Garlen R. Bryant
G 2. Lt Col. Harry F. Hansen
G 3. Lt Col. Orlando C. Troxel, Jr
G 4. Lt Col. Richard S. Marr
G 5. Lt Col. Dee W. Stone

Adjudant General: Major George H. Garde
Artillery commander: Brigadier General Harold W. Blakeley

Combat and combat support units

8th Infantry Regiment: Colonel James A. Van Fleet
1/8th: Lieutenant Col. Conrad C. Simmons, killed on June 24, 1944, replaced by Major John H. Meyer.
A company: Captain Carl Cline
B company: Lieutenant Gail Lee
C company: Captain Robert C. Crisson, wounded on June 6, 1944, replaced on June 10 by Captain John R. Garrabrant (killed on June 10, 1944).
D company: Lieutenant Joseph Samson
2/8th: Lieutenant Col. Carlton O. MacNeely
E company: Captain Howard Lees
F company: Captain Leonard Schroeder
G company: Captain James W. Haley
H company: Captain John Greenip
3/8th: Lieutenant Col. Erasmus H. Strickland
I company: Captain Frederick C. Maisel, Jr
K company: Captain John Spangler (killed on June 7th, 1944).
L company: Captain John Reckord
M company: Captain Robert Rappleye

12th Infantry Regiment : Colonel Russell P. Reeder, Jr
1/12th: Lieutenant Col. Charles Jackson
A company: Captain John B. Holton
B company: Captain Irving Gray (killed on June 6th, 1944) – replaced by Lt Harold W. Pearcey
C company: Captain Allen H. Heidingsfelder
2/12th: Lieutenant Col. Dominick P. Montelbano (killed on June 11th, 1944) – replaced by major Richard J. O’Malley (killed on July 16th, 1944)
E company: S/Lieutenant John T. Everett (killed on June 7th, 1944)
F company: Captain Warren J. Clark
3/12th: Lieutenant Col. Thaddeus R. Dulin
K company: Captain Kenneth R. Linder
M company: Captain Michael Mihalik

22nd Infantry Regiment: Colonel Hervey A. Tribolet
1/22nd: Lieutenant Col. Sewell M. Brumby
A company: Captain Tom Shields
2/22nd: Major Earl W. Edwards
E company: Captain James Burnside
F company: Captain Harold Fulton (KIA June 12, 1944)
G company: Lieutenant J. O. Jackson
H company: Lieutenant Thomas Harrison
3/22nd: Lieutenant Col. Arthur S. Teague
I company: Captain Joseph T. Samuels
K company: Captain Charles Earnest
L company: Captain Edward Gatto

1st Special Engineer Brigade : General James E. Wharton
4th Combat Engineer Bn: Lt Col. William H. Ragland
49th Combat Engineer Bn
237th Combat Engineer Bn: Major Herschel E. Linn
B company: Captain Victor Calvisino
B/299th Combat Engineer Bn: Captain Ambrose Manion

53rd Rgt Génie de marine

1/531ème Lt Col. Robert May
2/531ème Lt Col. Stephen Force

6th Tank Group : Colonel Francis F. Fainter
70th Tank Battalion: Lt Col. John C. Welborn
A company: Captain J. Stewart Williams.
1st Lieutenant De Witt C. Fair.
B company: Lieutenant Francis E. Senger
C company: Lieutenant John L. Ahearn (wounded on June 6th)
Lieutenant Dwight McKay (June 6th – wounded on June 8th)
Captain Albert M. Krekler (June 8th)
D company: Lieutenant Gordon R. Brodie

746th Tank Battalion : Lt Col. Clarence G. Hupfer
HQ Co: Captain Thomas J. Hoshell
SvC company: Captain Raymond E. Carlson
Medical Det.: Captain Alex Hochman MD
A company: Captain Loveaire A. Hedges
B company: Captain Asher K. Pay
C company: Captain James A. Crawford (killed on June 9th)
D company: Lieutnant Eugene M. McDonough

4th Reconnaissance unit: Captain L. E. Goodrich
4th Armored Group: Colonel Joseph M. Tully
4th Armored company: Lt Col. Edward C. Dunn
24th Armored company: Lt Col. F. H. Gaston, Jr

29th FA Bn: Lt Col. Joel F. Thomason
42th FA Bn: Lt Col. Thomas I. Edgard
44th FA Bn: Lt Col. William A. Watson
20th FA Bn: Lt Col. Fred W. Urick

87th Mortars Battalion : Lt Col. James H. Batte
A company: Captain John T. Stiefel
B company: Captain James J. Marshall
C company: Captain Robert D. Trather
D company: Captain Henry S. Williams
65th FA Tank Bn : Lt Col. Edward Bailey
899th Tank Destroyer Bn

Combat service support

704th Maintenance Company: Captain Winston J. Lawrence

4th Quartermaster Co: Captain Eveleth V. Richardson

4th Signal company: Lieutenant Philip Bragar

Military Police platoon: Major Frank H. Dowler

4th Medical Bn: Lt Col. Joseph H. Dwinelle


359th Infantry Regiment : Colonel Clarke K. Fales
1/359th: Lieutenant Col. Leroy H. Pond
2/359th: Lieutenant Col. Paul Smith

915th FA Bn: Lieutenant Col. Bob Thomas Hughes
13th FA Observation Bn
B battery, 980th FA Bn

11th AA Gp: Col. H. P. Newton
474th AAAA AW (SP) Bn: Lieutenant Col. W.A. Strickland
C battery, 320th AA Barrage Bln Bn


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