German military personnel biographies

Battle of Normandy

Land forces
Role during the Battle of Normandy
Helmut von DawansGeneralmajorCommander of the Panzergruppe West
Friedrich DollmannGeneraloberstCommander of the 7. Armee
Paul HausserGeneraloberstCommander of the 7. Armee
Hans Günther von KlugeGeneralfeldmarschall Supreme Commander West
Dietrich KraissGeneralleutnant Commander of the 352. Infanterie-Division
Adolf KuntzenGeneral der Panzer TruppenCommander of the 81. Armeekorps
Erich MarcksGeneral der Artillerie Commander of the 84. Armeekorps
Walter ModelGeneralfeldmarschall Supreme Commander West
Josef ReichertGeneralmajorCommander of the 711. Infanterie-Division
Wilhelm RichterGeneralleutnantCommander of the 716. Infanterie-Division
Erwin RommelFeldmarschall Commander of the Heeresgruppe B
Gerd von RundstedtGeneralfeldmarschall Supreme Commander West
Hans von SalmuthGeneraloberstCommander of the 15. Armeekorps
Michael WittmannSS-HauptstürmfuhrerCommander of the 2. SS-Panzer Company of Schwere Abteilung 101
Air force - Luftwaffe
Role during the Battle of Normandy
Hans-Kurt HöckerGeneralleutnantCommander of the 17. Luftwaffe-Feld-Division
Navy - Kriegsmarine
Role during the Battle of Normandy
Walter Hennecke AmiralCommander of the 15. Flottille
Theodor KranckeAmiralCommander of the Marinegruppe West
Friedrich Rieve AmiralCommander of the French coast of the Channel
Henning von TresckowKonteramiralCommander of the 76. Flottille

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